#12 – 50 Runs in 100 Days – Autumn Edition
Crappy week weather wise.
Planned lunch run Monday did not happen due to rain.
I also had planned to run 5 laps on St Hans hills Tuesday, got my running gear on and when I started running towards St Hans hills it started raining so I decided to turn back, am not one bit interested in catching a new cold, and biked to the gym instead.
New attempt yesterday but I got a phone call (work related) and needed to escalate an incident and decided not to run and lucky me, it rained much heavier when I could have headed out.
So today I was working from home and decided that if it was sunny during the day, I would take a break and head out on St Hans hills but busy day but just before I shut down my computer the sun came out. Of course I had to get to St Hans hills.
Decided to run in my regular running shoes even if I suspected that it would be gooey, since it has rained a lot lately, I just had to walk where it wasn’t safe.
I decided that I would run 3 laps instead of 5, need to have fresh legs on Saturday when I will head up to Kullaberg and run one lap, last chance before the race in November. I have to check how long it will take to run one lap and the route that was the race last year so I do not risk to injure myself.
Was a bit breathless but ran the first lap and walked where it was slippery. During the first lap I saw another runner who also ran the same route. It was very windy as well, at the top hill I felt the wind 🙂 Also on the circle hill at the top.
Then I decided that I would switch on the second lap, which meant that I turned around and ran the end first and the start last. When I was running up the downhill hill (slalombacken) I had to walk part of it due to tired calves. The other runner was running up the top hill and ran back in the other direction, I thought that he might have decided to do the same thing as I but I didn’t meet him again.
Last lap was a regular lap, always a relief the last lap when I know that every hill is the last one and then it was time to head back home.
Distance: 10.53 min/k, time: 1.23.44 h, average heart rate: 149, average pace: 7.57 min/k, max pace: 5.57 min/k, cadence: 166, VO2 Max: 29 ml/kg/min