The original plan was to run a 18K hilly run in the city after work.
I remembered that I had run a hilly run to Klosterängshöjden and on St Hans hills.
Checked my earlier runs and tried to figure out the route.
Today it would be a ad hoc run. Would figure it out on the way. The route that I found was 20.69K and I was not ready for that even if I will increase the distance this weekend.
Started the run towards Vallkärra, my original 5K run and then turned up to Annehem and on my way to Klosterängshöjden.
It was a bit warm so I was glad I brought my water belt so I could wet my hair and drink water. I also had decided to wear my linnen which was a good choice.
When I had run around 5K this longer flatter uphill started and my legs once again refused to run. I also had to stop and get out the irritating stone that had got in between my shoe and my heel. Why do the stones always get stuck there. Really annoying.
Then I ran all the way to Klosterängshöjden, ran up the first steep hill and was very breathless when I got to the top and had to catch my breath, ran up the second hill where the bulls are.
Ran down on the other side and up again and down on the first side.
The first 12K I had a good pace and didn’t have any issues but when I got closer to St Hans hills I started to feel an issue in my right knee, not pain but something so I walked up the first hill.
At St Hans hills I had to walk more times due to this knee issue.
Decided that I would run back on the 5K that I started on and thought that I would end up with 19K but ended up with 20.4K.
Now I have really heavy legs but I was glad I got out and ran this route.
Weight Report
-4 KG since May, it is definately going in the right direction.