Pulse Based Interval Training

Tonite it was time again for pulse based intervals which I have not done in a while.

It was with mixed feelings that I headed out. Last year when I did these my pulse rushed to 200 on the third and fourth interval even if I did not go on max. It also took a long time to get back to a normal level even if I was walking to try to the pulse down.

Started with 2K warm up.

First interval, 2K, went as expected. It takes a while til I get up to 157 which is some heart beats under my threshold pulse which is 160.

Rest, 2 min jogging.

Time for the second interval where it took a shorter time to get up to 157. On the uphill I watched my pulse closely so I did not go above 160, have a tendency to do that but was fine.

Rest, 2 min jogging. Tried to really run slower so I had come down to a more normal pulse

Time for the third interval where I hoped that my pulse would not rush. To my big relief this interval was as the second basically. Did not rush.

Rest, 2 min jogging.

Finally the last interval where I also hoped that the pulse would not rush but it was as the second interval.

Then it was 1K cool down.

Maybe my lungs were not ready to do intervals after my pneumonia, needed  more time.

Will definately do more of these.