#5 – 50 runs in 100 days – No excuses edition
Tonite it was time again for Krutgubbens (The powder man’s intervals) intervals but pulse based. Which means that I am going to keep me under the pulse 160. Outdoors I reach 160 around 5 min/k.
Last time it did not go as planned due to very tired legs, already during warmup my pulse was up to 155. Today it was around 148. I realized that the first interval was way to fast and adjusted it today.
Started with 14 min warm up with a pace of 9 km/h til 7 min and then gradually increased it to 9.5 km/h every min.
Decided to set the pace at 6 min/k for the first interval and that interval worked just fine.
Second interval had a pace of 5.50 min/k and worked just fine too.
Third interval had a pace of 5.40 min/k and worked just fine.
Fourth interval had a pace of 5.30 min/k and now the pulse had moved up to 158 so the last two intervals would be interesting.
Fifth interval I started with a pace of 5.30 min/k and then increased it to 11 km/h and then 11.1 km/h but had to move back to 5.30 min/k because the pulse got up to 161, my threshold pulse is 160
Sixth interval I started with with a pace of 5.30 min/k and then increased it to 11 km/h and then 11.1 km/h but had to move back to 5.30 min/k because the pulse got up to 161 of course.
So I have to modiy the pace a bit more til it will work fully.
After that I lifted weights.
Today part of me did not protest before hand 🙂
Distance: 8.09K (according to the threadmill), time: 50.04.3 min, average pace 151, average pace: 6.12 min/k, max pace: 4.30 min/k, cadence: 184, VO2 Max: 27 ml/kg/min