16.12K Long Run


Today is Sweden’s National Day so I decided that I would in the morning get to Frostavallen and run a 16K trail run. Green/Blue/Green marker.

Since I got abrasions on my back when I decided to run in my sports bra, I put on my linnen to be safe.

Was a bit chilly but in the end it was perfect running weather, not too warm and not too cold.

The goal was to run up all the way on more hills and walk less and get a better time.

Had water in my water bladder, if I had to wet my hair and face I would run around a lake so it would be many chances to get to the water 🙂

Met many trekkers today.

I ran up on all hills on the first green marker, got to the blue where I visited the great rest rooms and then continued on the blue marker.

This blue marker is part of Tjörnarparen, the ultra race I run in December and the first year we ran around Dagtorpssjön (Lake of Dagstorp) on the right, then this blue marker was actually black. But then they changed the marker to blue and when you get to this part when you run around the lake they put the blue marker to the left instead but I decided to run around the lake.

It was wonderful because I did not have to run some alternative way due to the water which got on the land, it was dry today and I just could run.

Got on the first boring dirt road but ran all the way, felt that one of my trail shoes felt loose so when I got to the foot bridge I stopped and checked and the shoe lace was loose 🙂

Continued on the blue marker in the woods and ran up all the hillls.

One major thing today was that I was also running on the rocky parts, I have been afraid in the past to injure myself, spraining my feet but today I just ran and it felt great.

Had a meeting with one of the funny cows which showed up last year I think, I always walk past them because I do not trust them.

Got out on the second boring dirt road and ran up almost all the way on the first steeper hill but had to walk afterwards because I had to catch my breath.

On the second steeper hill I started running up but had to stop and walk.

Then I was at Djuralidsbacken (= hill of Djuralid), had a thought that I would try to run up that hill but due to my knee I walked up the hill but this time I ran up the steep short hill after this hill and it felt great.

Decided then that I would run as much as I could the last 5K and it worked.

Today I felt strong and light, a wonderful feeling.