#week 8

Rehab exercises that I do not have to do every day anymore.

1. Squats from a chair

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Gym before work where focus was on biceps, triceps, back, legs, core and hip

Foamrolles my calves and did my rehab exercises

After work it was time for a short dark run out on the bog, beginning of November I will run a ultra race and will for sure run in the dark.

Distance: 2.95K, pace: 7’07 /km, time: 21’01 min


Good swim training and nice to see Maria, one of my swim buddies I have not seen in a very long time but she was back.

Distance: 1850 m (think it was more because Suunto has a hard time with the distance when I am not moving my arms and I had 4×50 6-3-6 where 6 is 6 side kicks), pace: 2’56 /100 m, time: 55’24.5 min


Good swim training and it was not too crowded, nice to have a session with paddles and buoy 600m-400m-200m,100m

Forced myself to do one of my not favorite exercises sculling

Distance: 2250 m, pace: 2’27 /100 m, time: 55’32.5 min


Started the morning with gym where focus were on shoulders, legs, calves, hips and core.

Did my rehab exercises.

Also foamrolled my back thighs and calves


Started the morning with PowerYoga 2.

My knee felt really good doing the dove pose, that is a pose that tells me if what shape my knee is in, it did not complain this morning.


This morning it was time to increase the distance and see how my knee would respond to a little more hilly trail run last times around Frostavallen. Also tested to run a little on the dirt roads.

It was extra gooey and wet so I challenged myself to run through all the goo and water ponds.

My knee did not complain. I had a lovely dirty trail run. Next week I will increase the distance further

Distance: 10.19K