Etikettarkiv: Overstrainedmeniscus

#week 17

Rehab exercises that I will do every day this week:

  1. Squat from a chair 3×10
  2. Gliding backwards lunges 3×10
  3. Gliding bridges on one leg 3×10


This morning it was time to get to the gym for the first time this year. Cough is finally gone.

Very obvious that I had not been there in a while. Chinups could I only do 1 time barely 🙂

Last time they were adding two extra rooms and now those have been finished so machines had been moved around but good to be back.

Rehab exercises were done before I left the gym.

In the evening it was time for brutal intervals 4×4 min with 2 minutes rest.


This morning it was time for my first swim this year, since it had been for a while I had decided to swim for 30 min. I had been missed 🙂

When I had my cool down I could not understand why my bathing suit was so loose on the shoulders.

When I got back to the locker room I realized that I had forgotten to take of my linnen. One other swimmer thought that I might have been cold 🙂


Swim for 30 minutes before work, speed was improved and no linnen over the bathing suit.

After work it was time for 7×2 min hilly intervals, had reduced the rest to 2 min which was perfect, got back to the starting point and then in a short moment it was time for the next interval.

Was sore in my butt and calves but now I have caught up with the training program preparing for Hoka Torekov-Båstad and while only do intervals once a week, think that my feet and legs will be more happy.

Afterwards I foamrolled both my calved and feet


Feet and calves were not so tired this morning.

Gym before work but forgot my towel so I could only do rehab squat from a chair.

And then after work I did gliding backwards lunges.


This morning it was time for my first PowerYoga 2 this year now when my cough is gone.

Felt also that I had not done Yoga in a while. Tough with balance and standing in certain poses felt tough that normally do not feel tough. Need to be there Friday mornings from now on.


I drove to Frostavallen earlier to get a head of the Tjörnarparen runners, Tjörnarparen is a race with the following distances: 50K, 100K, 50 miles and 100 miles. They started at 9 am 17K from where I was and I started from Frostavallen about the same time. From time to time I looked back so I could step a side if I would see runners coming.

The goo was frozen, was not so pleasant for my left foot who is a bit upset after the intensive interval training lately but next week it will be more normal training with intervals once a week.

It was still pools of water that I had to deal with with ice on the top.

The sun was out which was really nice.

After 1h 17 min when I was running back on white I saw three runners running the 50K distance and then the high light of the day was that Kilian Jornet passed me in a high speed, I cheered him on 🙂 It is true he ran Tjörnarparen 100 miles.

It was heavy running, I felt it in my calves after two interval trainings. I decided to increase the distance a bit. I had a great day in the forest and my knee feels better and better and now I have started to run more on some of the dirt roads, that is my goal March 26th when I will run Hoka Toreko-Båstad, run more on the dirt roads but still avoid the asphalt.


Rest day which I have spent watching the Olympics

Weight journey

Still have a long way to go but it is going down now when I am back with training.

#week 16

Rehab exercises that I will do everyday this week

  1. Squats from a chair 3×10
  2. Gliding lunges backwards 3×10
  3. Gliding bridges with one leg 3×10


Today I decided to do Physical training with my own body at home


Toe lift

Kick backwards

Shoulder exercise

Lunges with squat

Balance exercise

Push ups



Regular plank

The Custom Workout on Runkeeper was once in a while even if it said that the exercise lasted for 1 min, it went over to rest immediately, it could be a bug. I am going to see if no repets will work better next time.


This morning I realized that it has been snowing during the nite but suspected that it would be gone tonite. I hoped that the temperature wouldn’t drop so it would be freeze. Glad that it didn’t.

Preparation for Hoka Torekov-Båstad continues and after work it was interval training 1-2-3-3-2-1.

Part of me wanted to skip training when it was raining but the stronger me won. Walk to the bog and then warm up for 5 minutes and then it was time for the intervals.

Rain, windy and upwind 🙂

Tired legs.

Had to use Runkeeper from my watch to start the custom workout, my apple watch hang. I had turned off the stats information yesterday but realized that there was not talk at all.


I am part of a challenge this month called ”Run til u fall of the Edge – February Challenge” where I have to run/walk February 1st 1K, February 2nd 2K etc and no buffering, I know I won’t make it til end of February but it is interesting how far I will make it, usually mid of the month so today it is no training day but I went out for a 1h walk after work.


After work it was time for hilly intervals, 6×2 min, now I had reduced the rest to 3 min.

Realized when I got up to the hills where I am doing my hilly training that it was very wet, it had been raining during the week, and gooey.

Still heavy running up the hills but the more I do this the better it will feel and also when I have lost some weight it also will feel lighter.


After work it was time once more to do body weigh trainin at home, next week I will be back at the gym now when the cough is gone finally

But tonite it was


Toe lift

Kick backwards

Shoulder exercise

Lunges with squat

Balance exercise

Push ups



Regular plank


Decided to not increase the distance since I am still heavy and have been struggling a bit with more walking on the flat parts.

Had decided to try to run more and maybe manage to run up on some hills.

It was wet and gooey but just ran through the water ponds and goo. So nice to be able to drive to Frostavallen and have dry clothes to change to after the trail run.

I passed a very interesting animal that I do not see on my routes except enclosed.

I did not have to walk on the flat parts and I also managed to run up on 3.5 hills that I have had to walk up on now that I have gained weight so it felt great.

I also could run on the side of a dirt road where I walk onwhen I am on my way back.

Good to be 10 minutes faster than last Saturday.


Since I am part of a challenge I needed to walk/run 6K and Sunday is a really rest day when I am doing a lot. So in the afternoon I went out for a walk. Needed to get to the grocery store to buy cream for the pie that we would have for dinner and then throw garbage I managed to get over 6K

#week 15

Rehab exercises that I will do every day this week

1.Squats from a chair 3×10

2. Lunges backwards 3×10

3. Gliding bridges with one leg 3×10


Tonite after work it was time for interval training.

I am getting ready for Torekov Båstad race, 21.4K which is March 26th and they have a training program where I plan to do the interval.

So it was 10×1 min intervals with 1 min rest between where after 5×1 it was 3 min rest. When Suunto decided to get rid of Movescount and continue with the Suunto app it has not been possible to create workouts but some weeks ago I found out that I could create custom workouts in Runkeeper. The plan was to try this out tonite but I could not find the custom workouts in the dark and froze without gloves so I just had to start a regular run and keep track of the minutes, during the first 5×1 min intervals somewhere I got lost in the minutes so I had 2 min rest between the fives instead of 3 min.

Distance: 3.81K


The plan was to head out on a 5K run but my knee is a bit sore, not the whole time and less than last year so I decided to head out on 1 hour walk in the dark so I can test hilly intervals on Thursday.


The original plan was to get to the pool and have swim training but I was still coughing last night and then I am staying out of indoor training activities so after work I decided to head out on a 1 hour walk in the dark.


After work it was time for my first hilly intervals this year.

6×2 min hilly intervals and decided when I created the Custom Workout on Runkeeper that it would be 4 min rest between.

The first interval I got further than I thought I would get, second interval I got tired legs early and did get as far as I thought I would get when I started the intervals. At the end I got longer than the second time.

Felt that I have not done hilly intervals in a while, I did not do any intervals due to my knee last year so it feels nice to be able to do them now but Pulse based has to wait because that is on asphalt.Even if it was windy it was not too bad.

The rest was too long so next time I will have 3 min rest and see if that works better.

Distance: 2.80K


This morning it was time to head out on my trail run, it was time to increase the distance.

When I woke up it was raining, you never know if the weather would change when I got to Frostavallen but no such thing.

Just to put on the clothes for the weather and head out. Goo and wet was back 🙂

Since I have gained weight due to five weeks lack of exercising it took a bit longer, some hills that I usually run up on I had to walk up on, my legs just stopped but I also ran up some hills that I actually thought that I would have to walk up on.

Some walk on some flat parts where I got a bit too breathless. Knee got a bit upset but I did not have to cut the distance.

So glad that I can borrow a car so I can change to warmer clothes, dry socks before I drove back home.

Since I have started to exercise more this week the weight was not so depressing this morning

Weight Journey

-0.7kg this year so far

#week 14

Thought that I would get rid of the cough this weekend but no such luck so I continue with my rehab exercises while waiting to get ready for exercising again which I am planning will happen this week.

Rehab exercises that I am doing this week every day

1. Squats from a chair 3×10

2. Lunges backwards 3×10

3. Gliding bridges with both legs 1×10 and one leg 2×10

January 19th I started doing Glididing bridges 3×10 with one leg

The plan is get back with my trail running and then starting doing different types of intervals, still avoiding running on asphalt and hard dirt roads. And after the rehab exercises will have a knee that won’t protest too loudly


Finally I could head out on my first run this year after several weeks of cold. Decided to run the green marker to not push it too hard.

Knee have been resting and I have done 2 weeks rehab exercises.

Cold but I had such a great run, knee was happy. Have gained weight but I could still run up all the hills except one that I normally run up on. Some walking on some flat parts where I got a bit breathless and needed to catch my breath.

Ran a bit more on the dirt roads to test my knee but it did not complain. It is definately going in the right direction

Distance: 9.52K, time: 1:29’37 h, pace: 9’24/K


I have promised myself to be open with my weight. This is really depressing but after several weeks of cold it is expected. I have a goal to get under 60kg and get back to 54kg but then the ocerstrained meniscus made me gain weight last year even if I exercised reguarly. These colds did not make it better.

But now it is time to get back with training so I also can come back as a ultrarunner.

#week 13

Since Dec 12th last year I have dealt with two colds so training has been put on hold.

But the cough is decreasing every day.

Last week I started with my rehab exercises again to get ready for the trail running when I am ready.

3 days rehab last week where I used both feet during the Gliding bridge exercise.

This week

Rehab exercises that I am doing this week every day

1. Squats from a chair 3×10

2. Lunges backwards 3×10

3. Gliding bridges with both legs 2×10 and one leg 1×10

Saturday Jan 15 and Sunday 16th I did Gliding bridges with both legs 1×10 and one leg 2×10

#week 12

Rehab exercises that I will do this week

1. Squats from a chair

2. Lunges backwards

3. Gliding bridges with one leg


Gym before work where the focus was on biceps, triceps, back, legs, hips, calves.

Rehab exercises were done.


Swimming before work and it was no so crowded. Not crowded which works for me. Tuesday morning is a much better morning than Wednesday when it can be calm or some disorder.

Distance: 2325 m, pace: 2’28 /100m, time: 57’46.6 min

Was suppose to do a short hilly run but didn’t like the weather so I decided to skip the running.

Forgot to do my rehab exercises.


Swimming before work where I challenged myself with some new exercises that were good but slowed me down a bit. Also some disorder at the end when another swimmer got into the fast lanes and were all over the place.

Distance: 2075 m, pace: 2’40 /100m, time: 55’43.4 min

Totally forgot to do my rehab exercises so I just have to do them later this week.


Drove to the gym early where the focus was on shoulders, legs, back, hip, calves and then some exercises for my swimming.

On Flyes there were no 6kg weights so I tested 7kg and that worked so I guess I will continue with that weight from now on.

Rehab exercises were also done.

Was suppose to run after work but needed to get my new passport and chose to rest my knee a bit longer


Started the morning with PowerYoga 2 where the focus was on rotation.

We were challenged with the pose the dog and twist around with our legs but I made it.

Rehab exercises after work just needed to be done.


Finally it was time for the first run after Kullamannen, took some time off from running to rest my knee. This morning I also tested my new Altra Lone Peak 5.

When I drove to Frostavallen it started to rain, hoped it would stop before I arrived to the parking lot but no such luck, on the other hand runners should be able to handle all type of weather. So I just had to get out and do it, some drizzle but it did not bother me too much.

Definately the wettest and gooey run this Fall so far. Had planned to increase the distance but my knee protested a bit at the end so I hope I can do it next Saturday.

Still avoiding running on hard dirt roads and asphalt.

Heavy running so I could not run up on all hills.

But so nice to be back in the forest and enjoy the nature.

Distance: 15.30K, pace: 9’38/ km,time: 2:27’28 h

Foot exercises and foamrolling of feet and rehab exercises when I got back home.

#week 11

Rehab exercises that I will do this week

1. Squats from a chair

2. Gliding bridges with both legs

Rest week where I will have a running free week and no gym


Slept one hour longer this morning, no gym before work

Then after dinner I did the two rehab exercises


Good workout in the pool, not too crowded, maybe due to the grey rainy weather but it worked for me 🙂

Last week I felt a bit in my right shoulder. Too much paddle exercising can cause that, I changed to smaller and have more shoulder exercises at the gym to build up strength.

So I was not sure about how 3×500 m paddles and buoy would work for the shoulder, decided to start with paddles and buoy on the first 500 and see how the shoulder would respond, it did not complain at al during the three 500’s 🙂

Distance: 2075 m, pace: 2’34 /100m, time: 53’29.3 min

After work I did the rehab exercises


No swim training

Rehab exercises after work


During the afternoon the phone rang, I did not recognize the number but got voice mail and listened and realized I have totally forgot my massage time but I was asked if I would be able to get there asap and get 45 min so I biked in super speed to massage, got some water and then got my massage and apologized more than once. I was stiff on my calves, hips, butts, back and neck.

Rehab exercises after work

Knee feels much better, not so sore anymore.


Ob boy was I tired when the alarm went on in the morning, part of me wanted to go back to sleep but realized that I had Yoga which motivated me to get up.

I really enjoy this PowerYoga 2 before work Friday mornings.

Focus was on hips

Rehab exercises after work.


Finally I could join Openwaterswimclub group training, it has been awhile since last time since I had to prioritize my running.

Different techniques with a great bunch of good swimmers.

Got some cramp during fin training, first in one of my toes on my right foot but then cramp in my left calf.

Distance: 2550 m, pace: 2’29 /100m, time: 1:03’41 h

Next week I am back with a regular training week where I will test to run two shorter hilly runs before the longer trail run.


#week 10

Rehab exercises that I will continue with

1. Squats from a chair

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


This morning I did not forget the towel so I could do the rehab exercises at the gym.

Focus on biceps, triceps, back, legs, hips and core

Nice to see the rolling wheel which I love to use for the core

Foamrolled both hips and calves.

No running after work since it is a race on Friday but went out for walk during lunch and after work to get my 10000 steps.

Felt something under my right foot after the run this weekend so I did some foot exercises, like moving in a towel, pick up metal letters into a box and foamrolled my feet


Good workout in the pool where I mainly was using a buoy to not get my legs tired, thinks this is also good for my knee who needs circulation.

Distance: 2150 m, pace: 2’30 /100 m, time: 54’13.4 min

After work I went out for a walk to get my 10000 steps

Rehab exercises after work.


Good swim training before work. For Warm Up it was technique and after that swimming mostly with buoy.

Distance: 2125 m, pace: 2’35 /100 m, time: 55’11 min


Gym before work this morning.

Focus on shoulders but had to have lighter weights since I twisted the shoulder, have not figured out yet what happened. back, legs and core.

Did the rehab exercises.


Finally my first IRL ultra race since the pandemic started. Last year I ran this race as virtual (ran it by myself, suppose to be 50 but ended up being 58K), then ran it again virtuak in March where I ended up with 44K)

I started at 1.04 pm and knew that I would threw in the towel somewhere, my overstrained meniscus would not handle the 20K hilly part at the end, hoped that I would get to Arild and would get longer than 22K.

Some asphalt and dirt roads that I had to walk on. Ended up with 29K and am super happy.

Next week I wil take time off from running and just swim, get massage and do Yoga.

#week 9

Rehab exercises that I do not have to do every day anymore.

1. Squats from a chair

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Was at the gym early before work. Focus on biceps, triceps, back, legs, hip and core.

Also the rehab exercises.

Nice to see the rolling wheel, a favorite core exercise.

After work it was time for dark running to get ready for Kullamannen Nov 5th and I did double circle around the bog, one clockwise and one counterclockwise, knee did not complain.

Distance: 5.19, pace: 6’51/km, so nice to be under 7 min/k 🙂


So nice to wake up and not have a sore knee, so much has happen lately with my knee but I will continue increase the distance slowly and now test to run a bit more on the dirt roads to see how my knee responds.

Swim training before work and this morning the three musketeers reunited, we three girls got to know each other in the pool before the pandemic but the third girl did not show up til last week, everything was back in order 🙂

Distance: 2150 m, pace: 2’31/100m

Rehab exercises after dinner.


Swim training before work, decided to cut the distance since I got the information that it would not be any warm water after 8 am so I did

4×100 with fins as (25 swim, 25 single arm right, 25 single arm left, 25 swim)

6×200 swim with paddles and buoy

Distance: 1600 m, pace: 2’27 /100 m, time: 39’28.3 min


Gym before work, reaized when I got to the gym that I forgot to bring the towel so no rehab exercises.

Focus was on shoulders, legs, back, hips and core.

Decided to add two exercises that are good for my swimming, I have not done them in a while due to my knee but this morning I did lunges with a 10 kg which I moved to the side of the front leg and then I did a exercise where I have my neck on the pilates ball with a 2 kg weight and then I twist my body the sides and the weight to the other side.

Then the stretch exercises for my shoulders was the Revolved Side Angel Pose and Needle and thread

After dinner I started the squat from a chair, one of my rehab exercises. Forgot to do the rest


Was a bit tired this morning when I woke up at 5 am, had breakfast and then it was time to bike to the PowerYoga 2 class.

Appreciate this Yoga class on Friday mornings, very nice way to start the morning and then get to work.


Lovely trail run this morning with all the Fall colors and the sun.

I wanted to increase the distance and tested starting on green, got over to white and the blue part up til the first dirt road and back again and then white again and then continued on green.

The knee got a bit sore Turesday afternoon but not due to any running but I could still run where I could run, the knee got a bit upset because I bumped into some stones.

Last run before the race November 5th where I will see how long the knee will let me run. I do not think that I run through the finish line, found out the other day that the distance will be 58K instead of 50K. It will go slow since I won’t run on any asphalt and probably some of the dirt roads. The main goal is to geto to Arild, should be between 30-35K. I have a B plan if my knee is still fine when I get to Arild.

Distance: 15.03K, pace: 9’19 /km, time: 2:20’01 h

#week 8

Rehab exercises that I do not have to do every day anymore.

1. Squats from a chair

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Gym before work where focus was on biceps, triceps, back, legs, core and hip

Foamrolles my calves and did my rehab exercises

After work it was time for a short dark run out on the bog, beginning of November I will run a ultra race and will for sure run in the dark.

Distance: 2.95K, pace: 7’07 /km, time: 21’01 min


Good swim training and nice to see Maria, one of my swim buddies I have not seen in a very long time but she was back.

Distance: 1850 m (think it was more because Suunto has a hard time with the distance when I am not moving my arms and I had 4×50 6-3-6 where 6 is 6 side kicks), pace: 2’56 /100 m, time: 55’24.5 min


Good swim training and it was not too crowded, nice to have a session with paddles and buoy 600m-400m-200m,100m

Forced myself to do one of my not favorite exercises sculling

Distance: 2250 m, pace: 2’27 /100 m, time: 55’32.5 min


Started the morning with gym where focus were on shoulders, legs, calves, hips and core.

Did my rehab exercises.

Also foamrolled my back thighs and calves


Started the morning with PowerYoga 2.

My knee felt really good doing the dove pose, that is a pose that tells me if what shape my knee is in, it did not complain this morning.


This morning it was time to increase the distance and see how my knee would respond to a little more hilly trail run last times around Frostavallen. Also tested to run a little on the dirt roads.

It was extra gooey and wet so I challenged myself to run through all the goo and water ponds.

My knee did not complain. I had a lovely dirty trail run. Next week I will increase the distance further

Distance: 10.19K