Etikettarkiv: darkrun

#week 9

Rehab exercises that I do not have to do every day anymore.

1. Squats from a chair

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Was at the gym early before work. Focus on biceps, triceps, back, legs, hip and core.

Also the rehab exercises.

Nice to see the rolling wheel, a favorite core exercise.

After work it was time for dark running to get ready for Kullamannen Nov 5th and I did double circle around the bog, one clockwise and one counterclockwise, knee did not complain.

Distance: 5.19, pace: 6’51/km, so nice to be under 7 min/k 🙂


So nice to wake up and not have a sore knee, so much has happen lately with my knee but I will continue increase the distance slowly and now test to run a bit more on the dirt roads to see how my knee responds.

Swim training before work and this morning the three musketeers reunited, we three girls got to know each other in the pool before the pandemic but the third girl did not show up til last week, everything was back in order 🙂

Distance: 2150 m, pace: 2’31/100m

Rehab exercises after dinner.


Swim training before work, decided to cut the distance since I got the information that it would not be any warm water after 8 am so I did

4×100 with fins as (25 swim, 25 single arm right, 25 single arm left, 25 swim)

6×200 swim with paddles and buoy

Distance: 1600 m, pace: 2’27 /100 m, time: 39’28.3 min


Gym before work, reaized when I got to the gym that I forgot to bring the towel so no rehab exercises.

Focus was on shoulders, legs, back, hips and core.

Decided to add two exercises that are good for my swimming, I have not done them in a while due to my knee but this morning I did lunges with a 10 kg which I moved to the side of the front leg and then I did a exercise where I have my neck on the pilates ball with a 2 kg weight and then I twist my body the sides and the weight to the other side.

Then the stretch exercises for my shoulders was the Revolved Side Angel Pose and Needle and thread

After dinner I started the squat from a chair, one of my rehab exercises. Forgot to do the rest


Was a bit tired this morning when I woke up at 5 am, had breakfast and then it was time to bike to the PowerYoga 2 class.

Appreciate this Yoga class on Friday mornings, very nice way to start the morning and then get to work.


Lovely trail run this morning with all the Fall colors and the sun.

I wanted to increase the distance and tested starting on green, got over to white and the blue part up til the first dirt road and back again and then white again and then continued on green.

The knee got a bit sore Turesday afternoon but not due to any running but I could still run where I could run, the knee got a bit upset because I bumped into some stones.

Last run before the race November 5th where I will see how long the knee will let me run. I do not think that I run through the finish line, found out the other day that the distance will be 58K instead of 50K. It will go slow since I won’t run on any asphalt and probably some of the dirt roads. The main goal is to geto to Arild, should be between 30-35K. I have a B plan if my knee is still fine when I get to Arild.

Distance: 15.03K, pace: 9’19 /km, time: 2:20’01 h