#week 5

Woke up Sunday without any sore knee. What a wonderful feeling

Continuing with the 4 rehab exercises which I do every day

1. Squat from a chair

2. Gliding bridges with both legs

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Before work I was at the gym, focus on biceps, triceps, back, legs, hip and core. Ended with the rehab exercises where I since yesterday do now one no 2 and two no 3.

After work it was time for a longer indoor bike ride where the goal was to bike at least 50K. Tried to have a fast speed. First time with a fan so I do not get too warm during the bike ride. Believe that I have to bike longer than 50K to get ready for the ultra race beginning of November since I am more effective biking than running. The race that I am getting ready for is 50K

Distance: 50.15K, speed: 26.2 km/h, time: 1:54:53 min.


Started the morning with swim training, focus on speed. Distance: 2200m, pace: 2’31 /100m. Felt good.

Since I have gained weight I went out for a walk to get to the grocery store so I could get my 10000 steps.


Before work it was swim training, focus on form. This morning it was a bit chaotic since some not real swimmers caused disorder, almost crashed into me. Distance: 2150m, pace: 2’34 /100m.

Then after work it was time again for a long run on my trainer = bike ride.

Nice with a fan, forgot to start the pulse watch so I have actually biked longer 🙂 Distance: 30.11K, speed: 26.1 km/h, time: 1:09’09 h

After the bike ride it was time to do the 5 cycle mobility exercises.


Glad that it did not rain early this morning when I biked to the gym like Tuesday.

Focus in the gym was shoulders, legs, back, hip and core. I was glad I could do the rolling wheel, the wheel has been gone but today it was there 🙂

Ended with the rehab exercises where I now this week is doing 2 sets of no 3 and 1 set of no 2. Works so much better with the flow mat where the gliding is optimal. And then I realized that I did not have to do the exercise after work since I did it at the gym. Not so sore in my knee either.


Started the morning with PowerYoga 2. Focus on rotation. I have had a intense training week so I was glad that we stretched on the right muscles that was tired from the biking.

Then in the afternoon I had 1 hour massage where I was most stiff on calves and back thighs. My masseur showed me some stretch exercises for my butt and back thighs.


This morning I didn’t have the luxuary to drive to Frostavallen so it was the usual way, train to Höör train station and then bus to Frostavallen

The trail run was a bit rainy and grey but my legs were fast today and I decided to give it a try to see how my knee would respond but it was with me once again. Did not protest. Had to stop for some horses that came in my direction. A bit colder today so warmer tights and a windstopper over my wool long sleeve. Even if my muscles were tired after 80K biking this week it did not bother me during the trail run. Feels like these rehab exercises have started to heal my overstrained meniscus. Still not running on the dirt roads to get more and more ready for the ultra race beginning of November.

Distance: 9.4K, pace: 8’44 /km, time: 1:22’08 h

Had time to stretch before the bus came and also do the rehab squat from a bench exercise. Stretched also my butt and back thighs

When I arrived in Lund tradition is to go and buy a latte before I got on the bus home.

It felt strange to get on the bus in the front instead on the side now when we have opened up but I am contuinuing to keep distance.