#week 6

Rehab exercises this week that I do every day

1. Squat from a chair

2. Gliding bridges with both legs

3. Gliding bridges with one leg

4. Lunges backwards


Before work I was at the gym, focus on triceps, biceps, back, legs, hips and core. Skipped the foamrolling

Did the rehab exercises with one of no 2 and two on no 3. Since I did only squat from a bench Saturday and no rehab exercises yesterday I did one extra squat from a bench at the gym.

Then after work I went out for a walk to get to the grocery store to get my 10000 steps. Then after dinner I did lunges backwards and gliding bridges one of no 2 and two of no 3 to make up for not doing any rehab yesterday.


Before work it was time for swim training, focus on speed. Tuesday is a good swim training day because it is most of the time not crowded.

Distance: 2100 m, pace: 2’35 /100 m

After work it was time to bike on the trainer. The plan was 40K but suddenly I fell with the bike and trainer to the side, got a bit bruised but not more than that. I am fine. Now I have to fix my trainer, one leg needs to be adjusted.

Distance: 34.52 K, speed: 26,4 km/h


Love these swim trainings before work if it is not too crowded. Wednesday mornings varies. Last week we had to deal with the disorder guys.  They showed up this morning but now they kept themselves on the slow lanes.

Worked on form

Was not sure how it would go after the fall with the bike and trainer Tuesday evening but I still could have a good pace during zone 4.

Distance: 2100 m, pace: 2’38 /100 m


Was at the gym early this morning where focus was on shoulders, leg, back, hip and core.

Realized when I got there that I have forgotten the towel, lucky me I had my sports jacket that could be used as a towel 🙂

Was not sure about the rehab exercises but it worked with the sports jacket.

Went out for a walk after work to get my 10000 steps.

Then since I only did one of the rehab exercises Saturday I needed to do the rest after dinner. So it was lunges backwards and one no 2 and two no 3.


Before work it was time for PowerYoga 2. Slept bad during the night but it was still worth it getting early in the morning and have Yoga.


I signed up for the race Hoka Torekov-Båstad, a 22K running race (trail run race), it was suppose to happen March 26th but due to the pandemic it was moved to Oct 9th. My physiotherapist did not want me to run it but I said that I wouldn’t fullfill the race if my knee would start to protest.

Of course I wanted to run through the finish line but was not sure that I would, the goal was to be able to run longer than 10K. The race started with asphalt, not suppose to run on asphalt but decided to run on it, it was just a short part and I could also run on some grass and than we got out on Skåneleden which is a hiking trail in the south of Sweden, near Hovs Hallar it was stoney and hilly that demanded walking on the stone part and then climb down and up.

Gooey and technical difficult on some parts of the route. Walked on asphalt and dirt roads. At 9K I did not have any sore knee, thougth that I would have to throw in the towel at 15.5 but the knee was just a bit sore so I continued and I actually finished the race which felt so good.

Distance: 22K, time: 3:20:56 h