Etikettarkiv: heavylegs

5K Short Run


So after 3 months cold that got over to pneumonia. Got better. Ran 5 times on my vacation. Even if it was tough it was nice being back running. But when I got back home I ran into another severe cold that made me cough for some weeks.

Yesterday I was able to sing through the whole choir rehearsal, now it was time to head out on my first run since February 18th.

So this is reality

This really disturbs me, before I ran into a cold in November I was down to 61 kg and I am sure that I would have gone under 60 kg by the end of year 2017 if I would have been able to continue running and also run the last ultra race in December.

So this year it is going to be about loosing a lot of weight, main goal is to finish those two laps at Kullamannen in November so it is going to be a tough year.

In the beginning of this run it felt good, not so breathless, sun was out and blue sky, I looked at my watch and saw that the pace was 5.25 min/k but knew that that wouldn’t last, had to slow down.

When I was in Thailand during my vacation I was forcing myself to run 2K and then I had to walk and then the last two runs I was forcing myself to walk a short distance and then run til I get back to the hotel, got up to 4K.

Had decided to head out on a 5K run, I was not sure how it would go but I was going to try to run as much as possible. Decided that I would run longer than 2K if I had to stop. Today I ran 2.8K before I had to stop and walk. It was not fun at all at the end, really heavy legs and it felt like I had a ton on my chest, got very breathless but was proud of myself.

Decided that I would walk 500 m before I had to get back running again. Had to catch my breath. Started running again and got to about 4K when I walked a much shorter distance, decided to force myself to run all the way through the cemetary and made it and then it was a hill on a bike path which I walked up on and then ran all the way nome.

Those 5K felt like I had run so much longer, like running intervals but it felt good putting on those running shoes again.

This week I am going back to the gym, ached in my knees and feel sore in my lower back, have not been at the gym since beginning of November and need to exercise my back and core but also the rest of my body and then I plan to run a 5K run this weekend.

I am two weeks ahead of schedule, last Spring I ran into a longer cold, 5 weeks, starting end of November and now I have started 2 weeks before I got back on track last year so maybe I will not be so breathless in a couple of weeks and can start running shorter runs in the woods shortly.

Getting back from pneumonia is no game, I just have to make up my mind to not give up, just keep going but I have to get up to 30K around beginning of Summer if I will have a great time running this ultra race in November.


Hilly Intervals

#44 – Transport to St Hans hills
#45 – Hilly intervals
#46 – Transport back to home

Tonite it was time again for hilly intervals and I would go from 5 to 7.

Was prepared that it would be tougher since I had a tougher trail run this weekend on Kullaberg.

Always interesting to study how the transport to and from those hilly intervals goes. Always expect it to go slower on my way home, last time it was the opposite, I had a faster run back.

So warm which meant shorts, linnen, mandatory water belt.

Felt that it was a bit heavier running to those hilly intervals.

Was getting ready for the first interval, started running and when I got to the steeper part I saw that the handballs girls once again had their training on St Hans hills and of course they would do intervals at the steepest part, we just had to get along. I understand why they are there and I start at the bottom :-

On my first interval I passed a girl who was rod exercising, a very good exercise that I have to participate at this Fall. I have seen her somewhere and we talked and it was actually at the ski walking / running with walking poles exercise we had seen each other.

Always tough at the top when I have really heavy breathing and have to catch my breath til I can run back down and get ready for the next interval.

So when I am at around 140 I run back to the start and wait til I get down to 125 in heart beat before the next interval.

It is hate love when it comes to intervals, I know how much it gives but it is brutal, worse with hilly intervals then pulse based and I keep doing this 🙂

Second interval felt heavy as well, poor guy at the top who read a book and then I came and was totally beat at the top.

It felt that I had one interval in the middle where I was a bit faster but after that I was back to the heavy intervals again.

The last interval was for sure the slowest.

The plan this Fall is do more hilly training, every other week on Wednesdays, hilly intervals and then every other week hilly training, hope that this will strengthen my legs a lot so I can manage to run with  good pace on my second lap at the race in November.

Then it was time to head home finally


Distance: 6.70K, time: 54.23.7 min, average heart rate: 146, average pace: 8.07 min/k, max pace: 4.31 min/k, cadence: 160, VO2 Max: 31 ml/kg/min

Total distance: 10.02K





