Decided to have warmup on the treadmill before I did the weigth lifting.
Did not bring my pulse watch or apple watch to the gym.
Started with a 6 min/k pace for 500 m and then increased the pace to 5.42 min/k for 250 min and then increased once again the pace to 5.27 min/k and then decreased the pace gradually til walking mode.
Right now I am in the middle of preparation for the race ”Double Death” (Dubbeldöden), Nov 4th at Kullaberg so beside regular gym training it is also more core and hip training.
Core this evening was rolling toe plank 30 times, pilates folding knife 3×10 times, the boat pumping 3×10 times and then ending with rolling wheel 10 times.
Distance 1.39K
Did not get the time because I for some reason got the security
It was a while ago since I ran at lunch time but today it was time again.
Part of the run I am doing some dangerous running since they are driving trucks and steamrollers at that area 🙂
Good pace at the beginning but at the end the water belt made me getting warm and I got breathless and had to remove the t-shirt under the water belt and have it over the water belt.
Distance: 3.18K, time: 19.14.4 min, average heart rate: 149, average pace: 6.03 min/k, max pace: 5.33 min/k, cadence: 178, VO2 Max: 29 ml/kg/min
Needed a 25K trail run this weekend and have run from Christinehof to Haväng included the 5K ”strövstig” (footpath) but felt that I could try to find something new. When I asked my running group CKR about if something new a longer run on Österlen someone mentioned Österlen circle but that one was around 40K which is too long at the moment but saw that one part was Vantalängan to Kivik 15k. And from Christinehof to Vantalängan it is almost 10K so I decided to combine those.
Earlier I have run from Alunbruket to Hallamölla on orange, then yellow to Vantalängan but deciced to run from Alunbruket all the way to Bengtemölle on orange, no footpath today.
The orange part from Hallamölle started with a longer dirt road but then I was back in the woods again and some steeper hills. Will see what I will do next weekend.
A bit chillier today when I started, 16oC (60.8F) but I love when it is around this temperature, not too warm, not too cold.
Felt that I still was tired in my legs after the trail run at Kullaberg last weekend and the hilly intervals Wednesday, have some issues with my right heel and right knee, brought linament but never put it on my knee, so some walking from time to time.
Then I had decided that I would go on yellow after Bengtemölle because the 6.5K orange to Haväng is too much dirt road and asphalt.
Some bigger groups of trekkers were out today on the orange marker and we said hi to each other.
Got down to Haväng where I walked back to the orange marker.
When I got to the parking lot there was an orange marker showing where I would continue to Kivik but then when I got the next sign place no Kivik, thought that I was going to run near the water to Kivik to Haväng so I saw an orange marker further up with a pinboard and thought that it would say something where to head but it was just a lifebuoy. So I had to sit down, bring out my map but it did not cover to Kivik, then it is when your mobile came in handy, searched for the route and got a name on the map. Headed back to the sign place and saw that I would continue further up.
The last part was first running close to the water with a lot of sand parts and then when it was left 2K asphalt which is not the best with running with Altra shoes.
When I had finished it was time for the mandatory swim in the ocean, lovely when you are warm after a 3-4 hours run and get into the water and cool down.
Then lunch at Bures in Kivik
Distance: 25.82K, average heart beat: 133, average pace: 8.42 min/k, max pace: 5.13 min/k, cadence: 152, VO2 Max: 26 ml/kg/min
Weight report
Weight loss: 0.8 KG, since I have weighed myself in the afternoon after eating breakfast and lunch I believe that my weight should be lower. But it is going in the right direction, getting closer and closer to 60 KG
#44 – Transport to St Hans hills
#45 – Hilly intervals
#46 – Transport back to home
Tonite it was time again for hilly intervals and I would go from 5 to 7.
Was prepared that it would be tougher since I had a tougher trail run this weekend on Kullaberg.
Always interesting to study how the transport to and from those hilly intervals goes. Always expect it to go slower on my way home, last time it was the opposite, I had a faster run back.
So warm which meant shorts, linnen, mandatory water belt.
Felt that it was a bit heavier running to those hilly intervals.
Was getting ready for the first interval, started running and when I got to the steeper part I saw that the handballs girls once again had their training on St Hans hills and of course they would do intervals at the steepest part, we just had to get along. I understand why they are there and I start at the bottom :-
On my first interval I passed a girl who was rod exercising, a very good exercise that I have to participate at this Fall. I have seen her somewhere and we talked and it was actually at the skiwalking / runningwithwalking poles exercise we had seen each other.
Always tough at the top when I have really heavy breathing and have to catch my breath til I can run back down and get ready for the next interval.
So when I am at around 140 I run back to the start and wait til I get down to 125 in heart beat before the next interval.
It is hate love when it comes to intervals, I know how much it gives but it is brutal, worse with hilly intervals then pulse based and I keep doing this 🙂
Second interval felt heavy as well, poor guy at the top who read a book and then I came and was totally beat at the top.
It felt that I had one interval in the middle where I was a bit faster but after that I was back to the heavy intervals again.
The last interval was for sure the slowest.
The plan this Fall is do more hilly training, every other week on Wednesdays, hilly intervals and then every other week hilly training, hope that this will strengthen my legs a lot so I can manage to run with good pace on my second lap at the race in November.
Then it was time to head home finally
Distance: 6.70K, time: 54.23.7 min, average heart rate: 146, average pace: 8.07 min/k, max pace: 4.31 min/k, cadence: 160, VO2 Max: 31 ml/kg/min
The original plan was to get to the gym tonite after work but since I injured my right inner hand, nothing is broken, but is sore below my thumb.
So I changed my mind, decided to get out on a run already tonite and try the gym tomorrow.
It felt that I had tired legs after the weekend’s trail run (as expected), pace around 6.35 min/k.
Nice weather but on my latest run I have been forced to walk because of my right calf that get a bit upset, and it got a bit upset tonite too and then I also had issues with my right knee so some walking,
Ran my 10K route backwards, equals starting with the end first and then ending with the start. Good for your brain.
Distance: 9.70K, time: 1.14.08 h, average heart rate: 127, average pace: 7.39 min/k, max pace: 5.45 min/k, cadence: 152, VO2 Max: 25 ml/kg/min
After two trail runs from Christinehof to Haväng it was time for a run on Kullaberg for the first time after the race last year in November.
This year I have decided to run the ”Double Death”, two laps, have run the ”Death Zone” which has been one lap. This year two laps will be an ultra, it will be at least 44K.
The original plan was to take the train from where I live 7.58 am to Helsingborg and then bus to Mölle, I would gotten up to Mölle 9.58 am, long ride but yesterday Fredrik from CKR informed on FB that he would drive and asked if anyone else wanted to join and we would leave the same time as the train but would get up earlier. So I was interested. Amanda also wanted to join us with her dog Irma. We three ran up there in October last year. Then Fredrik would leave later so then Amanda, Irma and I left 7.45 am this morning from my home.
Nice with company and I talked with Amanda about our run, last year Irma, the dog, was with us and when we came to Håkull she just froze, I am not moving one more mm, Håkull is no game for humans, loose soil, steep, you are basically crawling up trying to hold on to something.
It was suppose to rain after lunch but the first thing that happened when we stepped out of the car and got ready, I asked Amanda if we should try to find a place to get under and wait out the rain but then it stopped after a short time.
There are some hills that I have to mentally decide to run up, they are not short but today I walked up on some hills that I should be able to run up later, will be more hilly training this Fall.
Good that I can follow the route because the race follows the orange marker but then turn down in the woods and when I am training it is easy to run down to soon so it is better to stop sometimes to get down at the correct place, when the race is, it is wellmarked.
After a while you come down to the coast and have a very rocky part, it is just stone stone and loose stone and today it was very slippery, Irma, the dog was struggling.
When we got to Nimis we got confused, it must have had something, Nimis was burnt but it also seemed that the environment has changed, got too far to the left where Irma had a tough time but we find the right way later.
When I was going to run down to Håkull, Amanda and Irma would take another route since Irma would refuse to move up and I understand her fully. We said goodbye.
I continuned down to Håkull and had my worst fall ever, slipped on a stone, fell on my butt, hit my left elbow and right hand, swore but got up and was a bit crippled.
Håkull was tough today, wet, slippery and I could not use my right hand and had to depend on my left, you need to move up and try to grip something with your hands to not fall down and when it is slippery it is tougher. I finally made it up the first part and then you have to find a narrow path moving up the second part where the best thing is to walk up a bit and check if I am follow the path and adjust. Was on the right track but still got into the juniper part, got a bit off track but find where I would continue.
The worst part of this race is the rocky part which can be very slippery in November, up after Nimis and around Håkull, that can change every year but is very steep.
Got off track a couple of times.
When I was on my way to the lighthouse I passed Fredrik and Maria and said hi.
After the lighthouse there is a steep part you have to get down, not good being crippled, needed to use my right hand but could only use my left hand so I had to take it very easy.
Then you start to see Mölle, it is 4k left after the lighthouse and not so advanced.
Started with long sleeve, it got off because I had a hard time breathing and after the lighthouse I ran in my sportsbra to get more air.
Then I finally made it, Wille drove me to the beach so I could take a swim.
After the swim we shared a shrimp sandwich before we drove home
Distance: 21.21K, time: , h, average heart beat: 137, average pace: 13.33 min/k, max pace: 5.26 min/k, cadence: 142, VO2 Max: 26 ml/kg/min
So it is hilly training on Wednesdays and after work it was regular hilly running on St Hans hills.
Warmer so shorts and linnen, mandatory waterbelt.
The first lap was just fine, a bit warm but shadow at some parts. Ran up all the hills.
A lot of freesbee golfers was also there.
At the end of the second lap I ran into an issue with my right knee so I was forced to walk for a little while. But started running towards the end and started on my third lap.
Same thing happened at the end of the third lap so some walking again but also started running towards the end.
The last lap is always the best because u know that every hill is the last one. Was forced to do some walking also at the end.
Need to get a faster pace but when I get lighter I am sure it will work out and more hillier training from now on.
Distance: 12.85K, time: h, average heart rate: 143, average pace: 8.29 min/k,
max pace: 5.58 min/k, cadence: 158, VO2 Max: 28 ml/kg/min
Had a meeting a lunch time Monday so no lunch run so I decided I would warm up my back with running a short distance on the treadmill at the gym.
So brought my old running shoes with me to the gym, pulse belt and pulse watch.
GPS is not working indoors but Suunto has a wrist based pace detection indoors. But I always take the distance on the treadmill as the distance that I have been running.
I decided that I would run 1K and then I gradually decrease the pace down to walking mode.
After that it was the gym with hip training, triceps, shoulders, back, core and calves.
I am very focused on hips and effective core training where I have now three core exercises I mix. Rolling toe plank 30 times, folding knife core with pilates ball, no touching of the floor, plank with pilates where I bring my knees forward, last week I did the boat and got sore core muscles the next day. Today I added the rolling wheel, hope that I did it correctly, felt it in my core muscles.
Last Saturday I had planned to run a route, mix of orange, yellow and a little blue but after the blue and back on orange I got confused where Bengtemölle was (where I would go back on yellow) so I ended up running on orange all the way to Haväng. Distance fine but too much asphalt and dirt road, need more hillier runs now.
So this weekend I would redo the same run, would know where to run at some parts of the run and then on orange after blue I would turn on yellow where it showed up the first time and continue as planned.
A bit warmer then last Saturday but rain in the air but that would not stop me from running.
There is race going on this weekend, started Friday 8 am from Bjärred (10 outside of Lund) and then the runners run down all the way to Haväng and turns back and finish at Hotel Lundia, a 246K. Earlier this week I was wondering if I would see some of them since I would mix orange and yellow, the fastests finish with around 30h so they would have turned back during the nite and would have past Christinehof but this morning around 7 am some were around the area.
Started my run at 8.42 am and I had not run long on the orange marker when I saw two guys, Henrik Kockum was one of them who I know, he is part of the 6h treadmill battle. I cheered them on and talked to them. They had been running about over 24 h, impressive.
Then later on orange there were two more guys who I did not know but cheered them on. I love to see my progress. At 5K I visited the toilet and turned on yellow, realized that I didn’t have to walk and continued running.
Last week I missed a yellow part where I saw a yellow arrow but realized afterwards that I should have turned to the right but continued on the dirt road. Decided that I would’t miss this part this time but did but turned right at the end and ran to the beginning instead.
Then came one of the toughest hills on this route before Vantalängan where I have to walk, is similar to Djuralid’s hill on Tjörnarparen and then a steep down hill where I ran down better this time.
Now I knew how I would run at Vantalängan. Had to remove the t-shirt because it was a bit too warm
Had rain from time to time but it did not bother me, it cooled me down instead.
Then it was time to run the blue 5K part which have some hillier parts and very lovely heather where I had the most rain.
Then I was back on orange where it starts with a hillier part and then at the top there are horses where I walk, I am not afraid of horses but I do not want to get kicked by them
Started to get a bit tired in my legs.
Came to this confusing rest area where I this time knew that I would run to Haväng and then would turn on yellow where I saw the yellow arrow the first time on orange, turned out that it was Bengtemölle and according to my map I would run to Brösarp and then continue on orange to the rail road tracks, saw yellow to Haväng and then a sign saying Brösarp 1.3K so I continued to Brösarp but could not see any orange, had brought with me the ”Brösarps map” studying it so I turned back and it felt familiar
I came on yellow from another part last year so turned on yellow on Haväng and decided to not get back on orange, just continue on yellow
This calf seemed scared when I walked towards them so I took a pic and then turned right a bit away from the calf not to scare hime or her too much.
Nice being back on those meadows.
My right calf started to get tired so a little more walking at the end
Good that I did not step in this fellow.
Was a lot of nettles but did not get burned this time 🙂
Finally I came to the final destination, same finish time but ran longer.
And then the mandatory swim in the ocean, no picture today
Distance: 27.52K, time: 3.51.34 h, average heart rate: 143, average pace: 8.25 min/k (good improvement from last week), max pace: 5.40 min/k, cadence: 158, VO2 Max: 28 ml/kg/min
#36 – Transport to St Hans hills
#37 – Hilly intervals
#38 – Transport back to home
The original plan was to do pulse based intervals but since my pulse belt was not my friend yesterday (did not want to be found or paired) I decided that if my pulse belt did not want to be my friend I would do hilly intervals.
Turned out to be train chaos on my way home from work and made a decision that I would do hilly intervals independently if the pulse belt would be my friend or not.
Warm so I decided to wear shorts and linnen, mandatory waterbelt with 2 water bottles and my flip belt, regular running shoes.
Decided to divide the running in three runs to see if the transport before and after would differ much and see how the hilly intervals went.
Ran up to St Hans hills, and then got ready for those hilly intervals.
First interval was tough, heavy breathing at the top, the hill is approximately 500 m. Stayed on the top til my breathing was more normal. I was wonder how the couple who had a good time up there felt when I came up and was walking around breathing heavily 🙂 Not a good place to choose when a lot of runners do hilly training on this particular hill.
Then down again, I planned to stay at the start til I got down to 118 (heart rate) but when I got to 125 I felt fine.
Did my second interval which also was tough, saw that a group of girls had training at the top and was wondering if they were soccer girls. One of them even got a ride to the beginning of the top hill and she is a athlete?
Heavy breathing again at the top and when the breathing felt better I ran down to the start and waited til around 125.
The third interval did not feel as tough as the first two.
The fourth did not feel as bad either and when I got to the start those girls was passing me, I cheered one one, felt she needed it, some girls started walking and I could not help my self, do not cheat, they thanked me I pepped them, I asked them if they were soccer girls but there were handball girls and I said why are you walking, you run in your sport.
So on my fifth interval I had to show them I was a runner so I pushed it and that was the worse one.
Hilly intervals or intervals based on pace are the worst but I do it. I really need a lot more hilly training this year since I am going to run the ”Double Death” in November
Distance: 2 x 22 km = 44 km
Altimeter: approximately 2000 m
Then it was time to head home
On my way home I passed a mom and her daugther who had down’s syndrome and she was so glad walking at the side of her wheel chair and when she saw me she waved and clapped her hands and gave me high five, that made my evening, such cheerful child.
Transport to St Hans hills – Distance: 1.64K, time: 10.47.8 min, average heart rate: 141, average pace: 6.33 min/k, max pace: 5.57 min/k
Transport from St Hans hills – Distance: 1.65K, time: 10.44.6 min, average heart rate: 154, average pace: 6.29 min/k, max pace: 5.34 min/k
Hilly intervals – Distance: 4.74K, time: 42.49.6 min, average heart rate: 147, average pace: 9.02 min/k, max pace: 4.25 min/k, cadence: 164, VO2 Max: 32 ml/kg/min