#26 – 50 Runs in 100 days – Spring edition
Tonite it was time again for pulse based interval training.
Always interesting to do these some days after a trail run, last week consisted of a tough hilly race Thursday and then a trail run Saturday.
It was also warm so linnen, shorts, flipbelt and 2 water bottles.
Hoping that my pulse watch would be with me today, last time it was not my friend at all but afterwards I did force firmware update.
So off I went on a 2K warmup, an interesting thing happened, got above my threshold pulse for the first time and I was thinking how would the intervals be.
First interval always feel the longest and also I got up to around 150 and it felt like I was on max 🙂 but after half the interval I finally got up to around 157. 2K
Then since it was warm I decided to walk those 2 min between and drink some water.
Second interval I got to 155 pretty fast but I do not know what happened, all of a sudden I did not trust my pulse watch, it showed 6K and then I knew that I have to wait for the beep but like I said did not trust my pulse watch and started walking and then came the beep.
2 min rest when I walked and drank some water.
Third interval I got up to around 155 but also felt very long but decided to trust the pulse watch and finally I heard the beep. During this interval I always can see the end.
2 min rest when I walked and took some lovely pictures.
Then finally the fourth interval that also for some reason felt very long, got up to around 155 first and then 157.
I walked first during the 1K cool down but then I ran the last part.
Even if it was tough today as long as I do not get above 160 I am happy, even if I have a hard time getting to 157 sometimes it is better then being very close to 160 and then go above.
Distance: 11.53K, time: h, average heart rate: 147, average pace: 6.45 min/k, max pace: 3.56 min/k (during warmup), 5.23 min/k (during intervals), cadence: 166, VO2 Max: 26 ml/kg/min